Các tác giả

  • Pham Dieu Ly, Nguyen Thi Thao, Truong Thi Bich

Từ khóa:

learning styles, professional English for tourism

Tóm tắt

The purpose of the study is to provide the basis for the students at Faculty of Tourism, Hanoi Open University (FOT-HOU) to identify their individual learning styles, thereby finding appropriate directions to improve their styles of learning professional English for tourism. The subjects of the study were 205 students of K25 and K26, divided into three groups of academic performance: excellent, good and average. Via a survey based on the questionnaire of Honey & Mumford (2000) and the self-esteem scale of Bloom (2001), the main learning styles of students in all three groups were analyzed and the effectiveness of those styles was also measured. The results have determined that the effective style for learning tourism English at FOT-HOU is the combined transformation of all four learning styles (theory, practice, reflection, and reality). A number of solutions to help the students approach and improve their self-study capacity for learning tourism English in the most effective way have been proposed as well.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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