Các tác giả

  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Phan Thi Lam, Cam Lien



Từ khóa:

reading comprehension, reading difficulties, speed-reading strategies

Tóm tắt

Previous studies have investigated the significance of reading proficiency in acquiring the English language and brought attention to the reading difficulties learners have in their learning process. This study examines the use of speed-reading strategies as a method to enhance learners' reading ability. Seventy senior English-major students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Dong Nai Technology University were participating in the study during their final semester. The study employed a mixed methodology, which included collecting quantitative data from a pretest-posttest paradigm without a control group, questionnaires before and after the use of speed reading strategies, and qualitative data through observations. The students' reading competence was assessed using a standardized IELTS reading test at the start of the study, followed by a pre questionnaire and 10 hours of speed reading training with observations. After the training, the students took a posttest to determine the discrepancy between the pre-test and post-test, and post questionnaire was sent to the participants to understand their opinion about the use of strategies in doing tests. Speed reading techniques were found to enhance students' performance on reading tests and cultivate a positive attitude towards reading comprehension. The students gained valuable reading skills and strategies that contribute to academic success.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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