Các tác giả

  • Nguyen Hoang Phi


Từ khóa:

artificial intelligence, English writing, feedback, Grammarly

Tóm tắt

English writing proficiency is crucial for university students, for both academic pursuits and future professional communication. During the acquisition of English writing skills at university, a majority of students still make serious mistakes regarding grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Giving feedbacks on students' written work is regarded as important, for it not only helps improve students’ writing skills, but motivates their frequent practice as well. Nevertheless, that teachers face recurring issues such as unequal distribution of the courses whose contents focus more on other English skills; and huge class sizes somehow diminishes the quality of their feedback. As a result, students are encouraged to utilize feedback from Grammarly, an artificial intelligence technology to aid them in their writing practice. This paper investigated how students perceive feedback from Grammarly as a tool to correct mistakes in their written work and their perceptions toward using Grammarly in the learning process. The objective was to determine the features of Grammarly and students’ perception of using technology in learning to write. This study utilized a close-ended questionnaire with five indicators of Likert scale, with participants are 60 English non majored second - year students at Dong Nai Technology University. The findings suggested that the majority of students hold a positive opinion on the use of Grammarly to aid them in learning English writing.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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