https://doi.org/10.59266/houjs.2024.448Từ khóa:
Stakeholders, training program, evaluation, construction management, Can Tho University of TechnologyTóm tắt
This study aims to evaluate the training program for the Construction Management major at Can Tho University of Technology (CTUET). The survey subjects are stakeholders such as students, enterprises, and experts. The research data was collected through a survey of 59 students from the university, 20 enterprises, and 12 experts, using a pre-designed questionnaire, with the study conducted via the Google Forms application. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to measure the stakeholders' evaluation levels of various factors in the Construction Management training program. The analysis results indicate that the stakeholders highly evaluate the training goals and outcomes, with training goal scores ranging from 3.36 to 4.75 and training outcome average scores from 3.15 to 4.63. The assessed factors include Knowledge, Skills, and Level of Autonomy and Responsibility. Based on these findings, the authors propose solutions to enhance the quality of the Construction Management training program at Can Tho University of Technology.
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