
  • Vũ Hương Giang, Vũ Lệ Mỹ


Smart tourism, Smart tourism development, international experiences


With the development of science  and technology in the context of the

4.0 technology revolution, smart tourism development is an inevitable trend of tourist destinations all over the world. The research used desk research, observational methods and case studies to analyze and draw lessons learned for Vietnam in the process of developing smart tourism. The selected tourist destinations for the case study include: Dubai (Saudi Arabia), Lyon (France) and Soul (South Korea.) Research results show that smart tourism development is a process that needs the participation of all stakeholders in tourism activities. In order to develop smart tourism in a sustainable way, it is necessary to pay attention to the development in both width and depth, ensuring the harmonious benefits and interests of the subjects involved in tourism activities during the process of developing smart tourism, ensuring the harmonious development in all three pillars of sustainability (economy, culture - society and environment) at smart tourism destinations.


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