
  • Đào Thị Hồng Vân*, Đinh Thị Thu Lê*, Đỗ Phương Khanh*, Phạm Thị Dinh*, Nguyễn Mai Chi*, Trần Thị Mai*, Trần Đình Thích*, Đinh Trường Sơn


endophytic bacteria, genetic diversity, molecular marker


The genetic diversity of the fourteen endophytic bacteria isolates from potato roots was evaluated by 10 RAPD and 6 ISSR markers. Both markers detected a total of 159 loci (107 loci with RAPD and 52 loci with ISSR), among them, 85.0% amplified loci by RAPD and 86.2% amplified loci with ISSR were polymorphic. With an average PIC value of 0.35 for RAPD and 0.38 for ISSR, the ability of detecting the genetic diversity of RAPD and ISSR markers was high. The genetic diversity of 14 isolates varied from 0.36 – 0.76. Among isolates, V_2 and V_12 had the lowest genetic similarity (0.36) while V_2 and V_6 showed the highest genetic similarity (0,76). A dendrogram obtained by using UPGMA cluster analysis was generated by NTSYS 2.1. With the genetic similarity at 0.573, 14 isolates were separated into 4 distinct clusters. These results indicate the fourteen endophytic bacteria are diverse in genetics.


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