
  • Nguyen Thi Quy



Exchange rate, economy, impact, tool, services management, the state bank, market


In the age of inflation, the monetary policy management of national central banks has been challenging in stabilizing the economy. The exchange rate is an economic variable that affects most of the aspects of the economy's activities, but the effect of the exchange rate on many activities is very different. In particular, the impact of exchange rates on trading activities is clear and quick. Therefore, the majority of countries use the exchange rate as an effective tool to adjust their import and export activities of goods and services. In Vietnam, although the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has managed the exchange rate relatively stable, in the coming time, the exchange rate may continue to be under pressure due to high inflation and political conflicts between countries; there are still no signs of ending… Potential risks affecting investment, production – business activities, and the exchange rate fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. Researching and making practical proposals will help the State Bank apply exchange rate regimes and appropriate exchange rate management mechanisms.


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