
  • Đặng Quang Á


computer-aided design, Geometric modeling, Surface generation, Partial Differential Equation


In computer-aided geometric design, surface generation of objects is extremely important. Therefore, fast and accurate surface generation techniques are always an urgent need. Traditional surface generation methods are often based on interpolation algorithms and have limitations in their ability to guarantee the global smoothness of the object surface or the computational volume. Since 1989, a new technique has been born to overcome the above disadvantages. That is the method of surface generation by partial differential equation (PDE for short). The generated surface is a solution of PDE with certain boundary conditions. Over the past 30 years, this method has developed very strongly in both theory and application. Today, the PDE method is widely used for modeling, interaction design, shape morphing, analysis and design optimization.

This paper is intended to introduce the idea of PDE-driven design through some examples and a brief overview of its development and applications.


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