
  • Dương Thăng Long, Chu Minh, Phí Quốc Chính


Multi-task convolutional neural network, face recognition, facial expressions recognition, online learning management systems


The online learning management system (LMS) is being more and more widely developed and contributes to improving the quality of training at educational institutions. However, at present, there are few systems with enhanced monitoring and support for learners based on modern technologies. Especially, the application of this facial recognition and facial expression technology makes the tracking and monitoring of learners highly automated and timely supported. By using multi-tasking convolutional neural networks, this study proposes such a network model to perform two tasks of face recognition and facial expression recognition. The model is tested on published data sets including CK+, OuluCASIA and our collected data. The experimental results are significant in comparison with some modern architectures while the model size is simpler. Based on the proposed model, we design an integrated proposed model with the online LMS in the direction of open connection to increase the monitoring and tracking learning activities, therefore, it can give warnings as well as notify teachers and learners to adjust teaching and learning activities to improve training quality.


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