
  • Vũ Xuân Hạnh, Trần Tiến Dũng, Đỗ Thị Uyển, Hoàng Việt Trung, Ngô Minh Phương


Email URL Phishing, Detect Email URL Phishing, Machine Learning, Email URL Phishing attacks, URL Phishing, Cyber Security, Malicious URL


Along with the rapid development of science and technology and the internet, cyber-attacks are increasing with high levels of danger and are difficult to control. In this paper, we focus on detecting email URL Phishing, which is a type of phishing attack by suggesting 51 URL features to identify. We use a highly reliable Phishing URL email dataset and based on the extracted features, our study achieves an overall accuracy of about 94.5% using supervisor machine learning Random Forest.


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