Các tác giả

  • Nguyen Thi Lan Hương, Le Quynh Chi, Tran Thi My Linh

Từ khóa:

livelihoods, Tourism development, coastal areas, craft village, livelihood transformation

Tóm tắt

Developing coastal craft villages in a balanced manner between commercial activities and other livelihoods, contributing to conservating and preserving traditional values of traditional craft villages in coastal areas is one of the important goals of sustainable marine economy development in Vietnam. The research „Supporting communities in coastal areas to transform, expand their livelihoods and develop tourism“ with the scope of coastal handicraft villages which are at risk of being disappeared was carried out in order to assess and recommend the solutions to improve living conditions for traditional coastal craft villagers. The livelihood expansion and transformation will increase income, improve quality of life, limit dependence on nature, reduce risks, increase livelihood assets and increase accessibility and stable sources of livelihood assets. The sustainable development of craft villages will contribute to ensuring employment and social security issues while creating greater benefits for the preservation, maintenance and promotion of cultural values in the coastal areas. Besides, the development of diverse, unique, highly competitive tourism will be motivated as well as taking the advataged of the region‘s strengths.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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