Các tác giả

  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong , Tran Phuong Thao



Từ khóa:

insurance training’s quality, insurance employees’ job performances, Vietnam’s insurance companies, digital skills

Tóm tắt

The worldwide digital transformation has greatly driven the insurance industry to change the way of working to gain a competitive edge. Many insurance companies have focused on providing key skills needed for employees to meet the changing requirements of the labor force. Employees should be equipped with not only professional knowledge, career qualities, and soft skills but also digital capacities to serve customers with the best insurance products. This study aims to identify the impacts of training quality on employee job performance in Vietnam's insurance companies regarding digital skills to meet the digital economy's demands. To achieve the study's objectives, the online survey questionnaire was used to gather data on the impacts of training quality on employees' job performances regarding digital skills with the participation of 240 respondents from 3 insurance companies and three universities in Vietnam. The findings demonstrate a positive correlation between digital skills training and insurance employee’s job performances. The study findings will be helpful for universities training occupational insurance in Vietnam to enhance higher education quality and produce a digital workforce for insurance companies in digital transformation and international integration.

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