
  • Vũ Hương Giang*, Nguyễn Thành Trung, Ngô Thị Phương Thu


smart tourism, smart tourism destination, smart tourism destination development


The study aims to systematise and develop some theoretical background of smart tourism destinations’ development, determine the impacts of influential factors on the development of smart tourism destination Hanoi and propose some suggestions for developing smart tourism here. The study used desk research methods and deployed surveys to collect data to achieve the research objectives. After that, data was put into processing through SPSS 20.0 software. Research results show that six factors directly affect the development of a smart tourism destination in Hanoi, including Tourism resources; Human Resources; Information and Communication Technology, Innovation and Destination Management, which are ranked in descending order of impact. Accordingly, tourism resources are the factor with the greatest influence on the development of smart tourism destination Hanoi. Based on the research results, some practical suggestions to develop smart tourism in Hanoi were proposed.


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