
  • Trần Tiến Dũng



Academic Program Director (APD), academic programs, training programs, autonomous universities, higher education


This paper discusses the position, role, and responsibilities of the Academic Program Director (APD) in the context of university autonomy in Vietnam. Through an analysis of the APD’s role in the development and implementation of academic programs at the university, along with the responsibilities and tasks of the APD in updating and improving the academic programs. The paper also describes the role of the APD in guiding and supporting teaching faculty and the program support team, as well as interacting with the community and employers. The author hopes that through this paper, readers will gain a clearer understanding of the significance of the APD’s role in the development of higher education in Vietnam. Building on the paper’s analysis, the author outlines key aspects of the APD position and proposes directions for establishing this role in the higher education environment in Vietnam, particularly within the context of autonomy. The anticipated results of the paper are expected to be beneficial for university leaders, APDs, and faculty members interested in the development of higher education in Vietnam.


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