
  • Tang Thi Ngan




Can Tho City, colleges, entrepreneurship, intention, students


This article aims to analyze factors influencing the entrepreneurial intentions of colleges students in Can Tho City. The analysis is based on survey data collected from 350 final-year students in various colleges within the city. Analytical methods used in this study include: Method of testing the reliability of the scale using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, exploratory factor analysis method and multiple linear regression. The results reveal that factors affecting students' entrepreneurial intentions include Attitude, knowledge provided by the school, and External factors. Among these, Attitude emerges as the most influential factor shaping the entrepreneurial intentions of colleges students in Can Tho City. These findings provide a scientific foundation for educational institutions to develop strategies encouraging students to engage in entrepreneurship immediately after graduation.


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The author is responsible for this article: Nguyen Minh Tan, Can Tho University of Technology.
