Từ khóa:
Video-based learning, Blended learning, , favorable learning environment, learner autonomyTóm tắt
The study aims at investigating the first-year English majored students’ perceptions of using video based learning and their practices in learning English listening skills at Faculty of English, Hanoi Open University. A quantitative research has been employed in this study. The structured questionnaire for collecting data was administered to 116 participants from class K29X,Y,Z,Y. The results of the survey reveal that almost students are aware of the roles of video based learning. In addition, the results also indicate that the students really want to improve their autonomous learning by using video based learning. They also agree that blended learning, a way of learning that combines traditional classroom lessons with lessons that use computer technology should be applied. Therefore, teachers should create favorable learning environment and strategies to facilitate learner autonomy in learning English listening skills and motivate them to use listening sub-skills by using video based learning effectively.
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