Các tác giả

  • Nguyen The Hoa

Từ khóa:

Strategies, task-based approach, equivalence, translation errors, methods, groupwork

Tóm tắt

In line with the tendency of using a student-centered model, the lecturer conducted this study so as to identify the translation equivalence problems encountered by 86 among 163 from the 5 classes (26A3,4,5,6,9) third-year English major students at the Faculty of English in Hanoi Open University when they studied the subject “Basics of Translation” and to propose solutions. The task-based approach with groupwork was proved to be effective with 87% of the translation tasks containing fewer translation errors. The data are translation errors of formal, syntactic, stylistic, pragmatic and content equivalents. The main instruments utilized in the study included pre-test, post-test, document observations, questionnaires and interviews. The application of the qualitative approach enabled the lecturer to analyze the data and get the most reliable findings. It is expected that the study will be helpful for both the lecturer and the other colleagues.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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